Advanced Construction ProductsFAQs - Hydraulic Power Units▸How how much transmission fluid will the unit hold ? Approximately 4.75 gallons▸Can you use the hydraulic power unit be used on other equipment?Yes , the Hydraulic Power Unit can hook up to other hydraulic equipment.▸How much will the Hydraulic Power Unit weigh when full of oil and fuel?Approximately 153 lbs with oil and fuel.▸What powers the Hydraulic pump?A 6.5 hp Honda gas engine.▸Do you have replacment parts for purchase?Yes, we stock a wide range of replacement parts for all ACP products.▸How big is the Hydraulic power unit?21" high x 21" wide x 24" long.▸Is the Hydraulic Power Unit easy to use?Yes, it can be ran by one person. Easy to start.More FAQ'sSag Correction SystemPipe ReroundersFAQs – Hydraulic Power UnitsWhat if I have additional questions?Call 541-969-9446Contact Us Form